Date: Starting Thursday 20th January weekly until 7th April 2022
Time: 9am UK, 10am Europe, 7.00pm Brisbane (What time is it for me?)
Venue: Online – Each webinar will be approx 2 1/2 hours

The New Human Guide Registration

Registration Page Info

Thank you for your interest in joining The New Human Guide, Sharon and Jane are very excited to be offering this unique journey.  Please ensure you read the frequently asked question section on the bottom of the sales page and the terms and conditions below before committing. Then, if you have any questions that have not already been covered please email  

Please note that this is a personal development process. We do not offer a professional certification and the content may be subject to change at any time.

We offer this as a collection of tools and processes that may be helpful to your personal journey. We invite you to take personal responsibility for the use of the information we provided here.

Your personal commitments to the journey and the group are:

  • RESPECT – for the spirit of the work, for healing, for the collective consciousness, for others, for the sacredness of our space and for each other, as individuals and a group.
  • TRUTH – remain true to the values and core purpose of the work within our space and in life.
  • HONESTY – in communication with each other, with self, with intent & with universal energy
  • CARE – our focus when working within the group is the care and well-being of ourselves and each other and our nurturing actions in the journey through the work.
  • RESPONSIBILITY – we all take full responsibility and ownership for our thoughts, words, actions and intentions in our individual lives and in our work.
  • REVERENCE – we remain in reverence for the power and depth that our work continually achieves. We hold ourselves as individuals and the work we do with the highest esteem, and we hold the space in which we work as sacred.
  • GRATITUDE – we bring the practice of gratitude to all our experiences, interactions, conversations, ideas and thoughts. We transform and grow in this way personally, professionally and spiritually as a collective.
  • TRUST – we have each other’s back, we hold space for each other, we stand solid in our commitments.

Terms & Conditions for attending The New Human Guide

  • I acknowledge that participation in The New Human Guide (herein after referred to as the program) is of my own free will and have not been informed by any doctor/health professional that this form of program would cause me any negative health issues.   I agree that I am physically/ psychologically fit to fully participate in the program.
  • The program is not intended as a substitute for ongoing medical advice from a qualified medical practitioner, counselling or psychotherapy practitioner. I acknowledge and agree that any unresolved issues which may surface, and which may warrant medical treatment, counselling or psychotherapy, will be at my own risk and expense. 
  • I agree that my participation in the program can be terminated at any time and I will accept this without question/discussion.
  • It is advisable that NO ALCOHOL or RECREATIONAL DRUGS be consumed before or during the program.
  • I agree that any recorded or written material included as part of my course is protected by intellectual property laws, including trademark & copyright laws. I understand it may not be used without obtaining prior written permission from Sharon King and Jane Sleight-Leach.  I agree not to record or make any reproduction of the whole or any part of this program.
  • The program will be recorded and available for everyone signed up to the program for viewing after the live event. Participants will have the option of joining with or without video camera and may appear on the replays. Replays will only be available to those who join this program via the secure membership site.  

I acknowledge that I have carefully read and understood the Terms and Conditions. I agree to release, indemnify and hold blameless any persons associated with the program for any loss or damage I may suffer in direct/indirect association with my participation in the program. By entering into the sessions facilitated by Sharon King and Jane Sleight-Leach and associated persons, I agree to all terms and conditions of attendance and participation shown in this document. *


Energy Psychology methods are still considered experimental in nature although they are gaining in scientific support they are not yet widely accepted as formally validated scientific techniques.

All workshops, retreats and trainings are intended to promote awareness of the benefits of learning and applying energy psychology techniques– however, the general public must take full responsibility for their use of it. This material is for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for traditional medical attention, counselling, therapy or advice from a qualified health care professional. Neither energy psychology methods, nor the information here is intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or disorder.

If you experience any unusual symptoms using the techniques, you should seek the advice of a health professional. Although the results of our research indicated that many people are benefiting from the use of energy psychology techniques with their trauma related issues such as anxiety and depression, the responses to the technique are individual. A lack of result or progress may mean you need professional assistance.

If you have any concern regarding your health or mental state, it is recommended that you seek out advice or treatment from a qualified, licensed health care professional. Before making any dietary changes or discontinuing, reducing or increasing prescription medications it is recommended that you consult with a doctor, pharmacist or other qualified medical or health professional first.

These are standard terms and conditions according to current legislation and we appreciate your time and acceptance of the aspects that are not in our control. In your decision to go ahead and make the payments we accept your agreement to these terms and conditions.