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Matrix Birth Reimprinting Online Training Nov 2018

6 November, 2018 - 14 November, 2018


Matrix Birth Reimprinting Online Training

Date(s): 6th, 7th, 8th & 13th, 14th November 2018 – 7.00pm – 9.00pm (GMT) each night (check your local time here)
Facilitator: Sharon King
Venue: Your own home

This online training is the same content as in person workshops, but from the comfort of your own home and is for people who have attended an in person 2 day Matrix Reimprinting training. As well as all the recordings of the webinars, there will be additions bonus interviews with birth professionals, client session demonstrations and birth related information posted in the Membership site that you will have lifetime access to. You will be asked to practice the Matrix Birth Reimprinting techniques in the space between the 8th and 13th November and two case studies will be required to complete the requirements for practitioner. For more detailed requirements see FAQ below.

Matrix Birth Reimprinting

Do you feel disconnected, low, depressed, separate or detached at times despite lots of tapping? Or perhaps you have clients where you have worked with their conscious memories, but they still don’t seem to make lots of progress. Are you aware that many of these feelings can relate back to a difficult birth experience?

With Matrix Birth Reimprinting you can go back to the womb and reimprint your birth experience, which will change your energy levels, mood, and wellbeing in the present. You can also learn to do the same for you clients.

This five part webinar series is presented by Sharon King, creator of the Matrix Birth Reimprinting protocols. As a Matrix Reimprinting practitioner or enthusiast you’re probably really aware that a lot of the reimprinting needs to take place in the first six years. Perhaps in some of your sessions you’ve found yourself going back to the womb or even to conception and before. Even the most skilled practitioners can find themselves not knowing what to do during these times, and you may have found yourself wondering how to work efficiently in these circumstances.

Perhaps you have asked yourself question like how do I:

  • Tap on an echo in the womb?
  • Work with someone who has had an abortion or miscarriage?
  • Help someone who was adopted or doesn’t know their birth parents?
  • Support clients who are infertile or haven’t conceived yet?
  • Help someone resolve a birth trauma?

Or maybe you’ve already been working with clients and found some more specific challenges taking place such as clients who:

  • Don’t want to bond with their mother or wish they were born to different parents
  • Never seem to be present in their body despite reimprinting
  • Can’t access subconscious memories
  • Don’t remember their birth or have any details about it
  • Have core issues that you have been working with but nothing seems to be changing

If you’ve experienced any of the above either working with clients, or if you use these tools purely for your own healing, then the Matrix Birth Reimprinting online training will give you new tools and ways of working that will resolve these challenges effectively. As you have probably guessed, this training isn’t just for those who are working with potential parents or pregnant women.

It’s literally for anyone who has ever been born!

By attending this program and applying the new tools that you learn, you will be able to help yourself or your clients:

  • Heal separation and bonding issues
  • Come out of survival mode and into thriving
  • Resolve isolation and abandonment issues
  • Feel more present and grounded in the body
  • Be more present and in the moment
  • Improve family relationships and heal the family cell

The effects of this work are far reaching. For example, often when we use these tools on a mother, the health and well being of her child increases dramatically, even when we don’t work with the child directly. If you’d like to learn this new skill set, become a more effective practitioner and learn:

  • How our birth stories affect our lives today.
  • How our conception, time in the womb, our birth and the first 6 years are such a critical time and we look at how our belief system are formed during this time.
  • The science behind the importance of natural birth and mother child bonding;
  • How to transform the traumas of adoption, loss of a child, infertility, pregnancy, traumatic childbirth memories and so on.

In this webinar series you will learn how to release these traumas and create a whole new birth experience. EFT Advanced Practitioners and Matrix Reimprinting practitioners who are already using this technique are clearing issues with clients much faster and with amazing results.

Who is this program for? Who will be your client base?

  • Anybody who has been born
  • Anybody who is pregnant
  • Anybody wanting to be pregnant
  • Anybody who has given birth
  • Anybody who has lost a child
  • Anybody who would like to learn how to easily access pre-conscious memories
  • Anybody who feels they are being effected by their birth experience or work with clients who are
  • EFT and Matrix Reimprinting practitioners who would like to clear womb and birth trauma’s. So many client sessions often lead back to the time in the womb or birth

Join Sharon King, creator of the Matrix Birth Reimprinting protocols, author of Heal Your Birth, Heal Your Life, for these groundbreaking webinars.

Prerequisites to this training: EFT and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner training

Program Investment £299

Practitioners wanting to repeat Matrix Birth Reimprinting – £100 – Sign up here

Cancellation Policy

The following are % refunds based on the time before the start date that a cancellation is requested. It is assumed that the program is full paid up.

100% up to a month before the start date

75% from a month to 3 weeks before the start date

50% from 3 weeks to 2 weeks before the start date

25% from 2 weeks to 1 week before the start date

0% if cancelled within 1 week of the start date


Recording of the webinars will be available within 12hrs of recording, if you are unable to attend live or would like to revisit the training at any time.

Bonus material will be added to the membership site for extra education and information.

Links to join the Zoom webinar will be sent out with confirmation of payment. Please ensure you have registered your name and correct email for all the webinars in the box provided.

In addition to the lifetime access to the Membership site containing all the webinars there will be bonus materials and access to a price Facebook group for continued support.

What others are saying:

“Wow, just wow. March 2018 I attended Sharon’s Matrix Birth Reimprinting and Matrix Life Purpose training in the Gold Coast Australia. As a neonatal nurse, midwife, mother, Matrix Reimprinting and Meta-Health practitioner, I have been following Sharon’s work for some years. I loved her book and consider it compulsory reading for everyone who has been born, given birth, and for all who work with clients and child birth. Attending this course will enable deeper understanding of yourself, your children, and your clients. You will be guided by Sharon’s gentle, yet extremely knowledgeable approach in enabling loving gentle birth and healing birth trauma – the foundation, in my opinion, and the way forward for us all.”
~Gaylene Hansen – www.nurturingnaturally.nz

“I have yet to meet anyone who has stepped so graciously into their soul purpose and worth. Your gift is a blessing to us all. It is an honour to work with you.”
~Sam Thorpe, UK – www.IntoAlignment.com

Thank you Sharon for an opportunity for awakening the unacknowledged part that has held back my personal development. I feel that many more men could benefit from this powerful and revealing work. You are a teacher in the best tradition and you are opening an important new access point for personal development. I am so pleased to have been a part of this amazing training. Thank you.
~Vic Thorpe, UK

“I just wanted to say a massive thank you for the gifts you share on your Matrix Birth Reimprinting & Life Purpose training course. I’d heard about your work at Matrix Reimprinting events & on EFT webinars, but as I’d already trained in a number of different modalities, I didn’t feel the need to add any others. Yet I had clients who taught me otherwise. The root cause of their blocks to success lay in birth traumas. We would resolve the issue at the time, but it always felt a little “clunky”. I signed up for the MBR course & it was the best decision ever. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and bought your Heal Your Life book whilst there. Your demo of using colour in the matrix to aid healing persuaded me to sign up to your Colour in the Matrix course. I had no idea at the time just how integral a part of my work your tools would become. When you said on the training that we’d love learning about the light matrix, I wasn’t convinced. I have to say you were right. My clients enjoy amazing results & guiding them is so quick and easy using the course tools. Your Heal Your Life book is stellar and is one I recommend to everybody If anybody is wondering if they “should” register for one of Sharon’s courses, stop thinking about it & take action now! I promise you won’t regret it.
Thanks for sharing such beautiful tools of transformation with the world, Sharon.
~Tricia Mitchell, UK

I feel so privileged to have been on this training, it was absolutely awesome, each day brought even more magical changes for each one of us. The group had a really special bond that I haven’t got in other trainings. Thank you Sharon for holding that space for us and to Sam Thorpe for her wisdom. As you say, how does it get any better and what else is possible!
~Pamela Ashcroft, UK

“You are a ‘magical’ trainer! x SO blessed to have you in Bolton teaching and sharing your ‘life purpose’ with us. Can’t wait for more trainings in Bolton especially Advanced Colour May 2013”
~Ann-Marie Clare, UK

‘This is my second time doing the Matrix Birth Reimprinting course and I am so glad I decided to do it again. There is so much to learn with matrix Birth Reimprinting and I particularly resonated with Sharon’s Life Purpose course. Sharon is is a magical, intuitive and caring teacher and she shares her knowledge in a calm and open way, that makes it easy to learn. I experienced transformation both times but this time even deeper. I couldn’t recommend it more.”
~Shirley Archibald, Brighton UK

“Attending Sharon’s workshop was a blessing. I was very impressed by her knowledge. Sharon’s authenticity touched me deeply and made me feel so supported, that I am now able to open my Pandora box of feelings, which I’d been avoiding for years… I am dealing with a rainbow of emotions, just like Sharon’s magic bottles… Hopefully, love & magic are next! Thank you Sharon”
~Annabel Bowen, Brighton UK

“Just wanted to say thank you Sharon. Your Matrix Birth Re-Imprinting and Past Life course last weekend in Brighton was awesome. I learned so much, experienced so much and now feel more confident and able to support the release and re-imprinting of negative birth and past life situations for my clients, friends and family as well as clear my own “stuff”. A life changing weekend that was well worth the investment. Bless you Sharon for the work you do.”
~Sarah Krona. Brighton UK

“I am very glad I attended the Matrix Birth Reimprinting workshop, led by Sharon King this weekend. Sharon presented the theory very clearly and explained difficult concepts very well, the interjection of lighter moments through relevant videos and exercises was excellent and reinforced the concepts in a nice way. In the work sessions, I was able to create a new story about my birth and shift my thinking from being on the edge of a victim pattern to being in charge and getting what I need. This has noticeably shifted my energy in several significant ways. I recommend this workshop to people who are ready to take a big step on their path of change. An awesome, mind-expanding experience!”
~Mark Wilson, Brighton Uk

“I attended Sharon’s EFT Matrix Reimprinting Training in British Columbia in November. I had been amazed at the speed at which clients release tension and pain with the use of this technique. I am a HypnoBirthing Practitioner, Child Birth Educator and Doula (DONA) and two of my students needed separate help with emotional releasing, so we worked with some EFT and Matix Reimprinting. Low and behold when these two women labored, they turned to EFT during the labor and stayed relaxed and focused on the work they needed to do. It was amazing to see them easily make use of this technique to help them through the toughest part of birthing. This works!!! Thank you so much for that training, Sharon! I am passing this information on to anyone that will listen…….this is a powerful tool. The best,”
~Barb Decker, Vancouver

“Matrix Birth Reimprinting is a richly unique and amazing process that can permanently transform your life on a cellular level. You discover the energetic ways we are process information from pre-conception all the way through birth and how trauma during this time can impact us throughout our lives. I have studied many different healing modalities and this is by far one of the most powerful, because it can work like nothing else can to address core wounds originating in the pre-verbal stages of life. I have also been able to reimprint my daughters traumatic c-section birth using this technique, clearing dramatic shifts in both of our lives. Sharon is a smart, gentle, and compassionate teacher and I highly recommend you taking this workshop if you have a chance! Also, one of the most valuable lessons I learned from Sharon is the ‘Everything is perfectly imperfect and imperfectly perfect.” I can now let myself off the perfectionistic merry-go-round and really be present and appreciate of the gifts life has to offer. Thanks Sharon for sharing your amazing gifts with the world!” Blessing
~Rhonda Darling, Orlando

“As a Registered Nurse who worked in a large city Birthing Centre int he United States, I am in awe of Sharon Kings program: Matrix Birth Reimprinting. As a follower of Robert Scaer MD’s work on birthing anf bonding, I have become aware of the disservice western medicine has given our society as women began to give birth in hospitals. In particular the interrupted bonding between mother and neonate that affects their relationship as well as presenting many attachment issues for the child it’s entire life. What I have now come to understand is that it is not too late. Matrix Birth Reimprinting allows us to get it right through the Matrix! I was delighted to learn this vital tool that allowed me to take a woman back to the time of the birth of her child where she experienced a disruption in her ‘plan’ for that perfect birth of her child and do it right. Sharon King is a warm and sensitive lady that has given the world such a gift! I would highly recommend her workshop to anyone.”
~Peggy Mangan RN, Orland

“I absolutely loved the Matrix Birth Reimprinting and Matrix Life Purpose classes you taught in Orlando! I loved your comprehensive instruction and your calm and compassionate way of teaching. Beautiful work you do, as these topics are the foundations for deep healing work for anyone interested in truly healing their lives. I am already using these techniques in my practice and I know that by applying your teachings, my clients are experiencing profound and deep changes in their lives already. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are wonderful and amazing teacher and healer!”
~Vicki Donhowe, Orlando

“The power of your presentation is filled with an external energy that is often associated with motivational or inspirational speakers. Your power comes from a deep, calm, and loving place that fills the whole room and connects everyone in the audience. Your message and delivery is so authentic, the content of your program is transferred to your students, as opposed to taught. What a gift. Thank you for being who you are!.”
~Forrest Samnik, Florida

“I wanted to say a belated thank you for a wonderfully inspiring talk and demonstration you gave at the April Supervision day in Studley! Having studied your notes extensively I was presented with an opportunity to work this way yesterday… oh my word, it was wonderful how well and how quickly it worked! Thank you so much for enabling me to have this knowledge – I cannot wait to do it again!”
~Heather Eden

“Sharon, I wanted to thank you again, your help over the week end has been invaluable to me. Your quiet and professional presence allowed me to get to a better place without even noticing it coming:-) I really appreciated your kindness and loving support. I can now visit “my fifteen year old me” peacefully, and that is a real big shift for me.”
~Christine Disant, Co Cork Ireland

“I expected this course to be just about learning the process of MBR, and I was amazed at the amount of additional content. Being a former scientist I crave evidence of these energy techniques that we do and Sharon sure delivers that!!! All of her work is backed up by science and loads of case studies. I’d never been interested in birth before but now I realise how crucial it is to our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual development. Sharon is passionate and engaging, everything that she talks about is pure gold and being in her presence is enough to inspire!”
~Samantha Dunnage


6 November, 2018
14 November, 2018


Sharon King