One to One Private Sessions with Sharon

I am delighted to be able to offer sessions in between my training schedule so please contact me first to arrange a time and date that works for us both.

Many of my clients are living worldwide so the sessions are offered by Zoom. 

All sessions will vary from person to person and can be any combination of EFT / Matrix Reimprinting, Matrix Birth Reimprinting and Light Matrix™ technique.

“I’d have travelled to Mars and back for the wonderful sessions I had with you Sharon!! You are a very gifted and special lady.” Jenny West

Heal Your Birth (formally Matrix Birth Reimprinting) Sessions

Who are the sessions for?

Any pregnancy or birth related issues such as:

  • Conception, pregnancy and birth trauma of your own in utero and birth experience, or as a mother who has given birth
  • Working throughout your Pregnancy to achieve a natural birth
  • PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • Post Natal Depression
  • Infertility
  • Over due or premature labour
  • Breast Feeding issues
  • Loss of a child
  • Separation at birth issues

But also for anybody who:

  • Feels they are being effected by their own birth experience
  • Anybody experiencing health issues which might be linked to their birth, giving birth or loss of a child.
  • Anybody separated from mother at birth or being separated from your child at birth
  • Anybody who would like to achieve a peaceful and empowered natural birth experience.

“I have had one Matrix Birth Reimprinting session with Sharon, which was truly AMAZING!  All that she guided me through resonated so deeply.  I am sure I will always remember every detail.  I feel certain that this work immediately shifted some very deep issues and I look forward to a new future finally free of these.  I would highly recommend Sharon as a very intuitive and highly compassionate Practitioner”.  Susie M

Please Contact me to organise a Session prior to payment

Individual 1 hour session price £150

5 Session Package £675 Saving £75

More Testimonials

“I am so grateful for the connection with sharon. Working with her was such a empowering, deep process and her energy, wisdom and whole being such an integral part in that. After 3 sessions I can feel a lot of deep changes inside and outside of my life. I was able to reconnect to a lot of parts inside myself, calling back my power and trusting more myself and life.”

“Hi Sharon,

I would like to thank you again so much for my session yesterday…

It was as wonderful as I was hoping for, and more.

I feel profoundly different inside. I am still adjusting. The afterglow at my heart is still very present.

My sleep last night was extremely deep and unbroken – it was amazing!

You have helped me to personally experience the significant, deep level of change which I imagined was possible through using MR.

Thank you!!! I am very excited about the future possibilities – for myself and clients!

I am so grateful for you sharing your special skills.”

Ingrid Weissmann, Australia

“Your sensitivity, knowledge, understanding and intuition really help for an amazing healing. I really feel like a big shift within my conscious mind and being has occurred and that new energy will flow to support me with moving forward. Your ability to get to the root of the behaviours is to be admired, and I am intrigued by the process of going into the womb etc and almost being reborn. A truly healing experience to release what I needed to after so long. Thank You”
Laura Stewart

“I would commend you on your patience, skill, lateral thinking (feeling) and for having that unique 6th sense that is not with many healers. You truly are an intuit. This is exactly what you are here to do, create miracles!”
Denny Ellis

“Amazing. I have not sent you a full testimonial yet, but the work we did together was life changing. I love my son in a whole new way that I wasn’t able to before. When I look into his eyes it is a different experience! Thanks for doing this. I’m saving my dollars for when you come to Canada to train.”
Stephanie Dodd

“Your work is intelligent, compassion and VITAL for the human species to experience. You are a brilliant and valid teacher. I am now and always honoured to have made your acquaintance, honoured to refer students and clients to you, and to recommend participation in your events.”
Beth Baker

“After spending 10 years studying and exploring my negative programming in great depth, the peace and resolution felt within after working with Sharon going back to pre- Birth was incredible, like finding the missing piece of the puzzle I’d been searching for my whole life.”
Donna Van Vuuren