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Transform Your Life with the Light Matrix Technique

14 October at 8:00 am - 22 November at 10:00 am

£399 – £449
Transform Your Life with the Light Matrix Technique

Explore Past Lives, Clear Your Ancestral Patterns, Discover Your Life Purpose, and Much More

Start Date: 14th October 2024 (Each webinar will be Monday and Friday, finishing 22nd Nov)
UK Time: 8am-10am
AUS Time: 5pm-7pm Brisbane (What time is it for me)

12 x 2-hour sessions over 6 weeks + 1 hour Q&A session 4-6 weeks late. Total 25 hours.

Are you ready to dive deep into a healing process that empowers you to transform lifetimes of trauma in a safe and effective way?

Do you long to connect with your ancestors to heal familial patterns, liberating your children and grandchildren?

Are you aware of your Life Purpose but struggle to fulfil your mission, or perhaps you’re eager to explore and upgrade your purpose?

Would you like to contribute to the collective consciousness’s healing, working on yourself and those around you?

Do you seek a supportive, like-minded community to navigate these chaotic times?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, join us for the Light Matrix Technique Webinar Series. Discover how to use the Light Matrix for yourself and others, unlocking profound healing and transformation.

What is the Light Matrix?

The Light Matrix is a safe, high-frequency space in the Quantum Field, or a higher dimensional space. It is where we can work with our ancestors, past life selves, guides, angels, and more. This is the place we come from and return to, but the good news is we do not need to die to visit. Through simple guided visualization techniques, we can raise our frequency and access the Light Matrix to create healing for ourselves and others.

In the Light Matrix, there is only universal source energy, and we can easily access these for healing our mind, body and spirit. We can experience profound trauma healing and clear life’s patterns and karma, often without delving into the story of what happened. If it is necessary to explore past events to gain spiritual insights, we can do so from a higher dimensional perspective.

What We Will Cover

  • The Light Matrix Technique: Learn to utilise this powerful techniques for personal and client healing.
  • Transforming Trauma Energy: Strengthen your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body by releasing stuck trauma energy easily from your system.
  • Clearing Lifetimes of Trauma: Access and heal traumas from past lifetimes that impact you now.
  • Exploring Ancestral Patterns: Identify and clear ancestral and cultural patterns triggered in the present.
  • Discovering Your Life Purpose: Uncover and align with your mission, understanding why you chose to be here at this time.
  • Embodying Your Higher-Self: Deepen your connection with your higher-self, soul-self, guides, and ancestors.
  • Create Your Own Healing Centre in the Light Matrix, where you can explore your own healing, heal others, and conduct group healing sessions.

Benefits of Working with the Light Matrix Techniques

Healing Our Past Lives: Healing our past lives is crucial because unresolved traumas and patterns from previous lifetimes can profoundly impact our current life, affecting our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. These lingering energies can manifest as unexplained fears, recurring negative patterns, or obstacles in achieving our life goals and fulfilling our purpose. By addressing and healing these past life experiences, we not only free ourselves from these burdens but also enhance our personal growth, create healthier relationships, and align more deeply with our true essence and higher self. This transformative process allows us to live more fully in the present, empowered and unencumbered by the weight of our past.

Healing Our Ancestral Patterns: Healing our ancestral patterns is vital because these inherited traumas and behaviours can significantly influence our lives, often unconsciously shaping our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Ancestral patterns can manifest as recurring family issues, health problems, or limiting beliefs that hinder our growth and happiness. By addressing and healing these patterns, we break the cycle of inherited trauma, allowing not only ourselves but also future generations to live more freely and fully. This healing creates a sense of liberation and empowerment, enabling us to create healthier, more harmonious lives while honouring and transforming our family legacy.

Discovering Our Life Purpose: Discovering our life purpose is essential because it provides us with a sense of direction and meaning, guiding us toward fulfilling and impactful lives. When we understand our unique mission, we align our actions and choices with our core values and passions, leading to greater satisfaction and a deeper sense of fulfilment. This clarity empowers us to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and confidence, knowing that our efforts contribute to a larger, meaningful goal. Furthermore, living in alignment with our life purpose not only enhances our personal well-being but also allows us to make a positive difference in the world, enriching the lives of others and fostering a sense of connectedness and purpose within our communities.

Working with the Universal Laws: Working with the universal laws is crucial because these fundamental principles govern every aspect of our existence, influencing our thoughts, actions, and the outcomes we experience. By understanding and aligning ourselves with these laws, we can create a life of harmony, abundance, and fulfilment. Five key universal laws include:

  1. Law of Attraction: Like attracts like; our thoughts and feelings draw similar energies into our lives.
  2. Law of Vibration: Everything in the universe is in constant motion and vibrates at a specific frequency.
  3. Law of Cause and Effect: Every action has a corresponding reaction.
  4. Law of Polarity: Everything has an opposite; understanding this helps us find balance.
  5. Law of Rhythm: Everything operates in cycles; recognizing these rhythms can help us navigate life’s ups and downs more effectively.

By working with these laws, we can harness their power to manifest our desires, overcome challenges, and live more purposefully and joyfully.

Universal support and Synchronicity: Synchronicities are the meaningful coincidence of events that appear to be related but are not causally connected, often perceived as a sign or message from the universe. These occurrences can provide guidance, validation, or insight, suggesting that we are aligned with our life’s path or purpose.

Journey Topics

  • Past Lives: Transform trauma from lifetimes as perpetrators, victims, or those who suffered disease or war. Release fears from past persecutions, like being killed for being a witch, that may hold you back now. Harness skills from positive past lives.
  • Judgment and Responsibility: Tools to clear judgment and over-responsibility, leading to a more peaceful, lighter life.
  • Ancestral Healing: Identify ancestral energies and learn techniques to clear patterns for past and future generations.
  • Life Purpose: Delve into the reasons behind traumatic events and understand your soul’s journey.
  • Future Self: Gain clarity by working with your future self.
  • Universal Law of Attraction and Synchronicities: Practical tools for manifesting your desires and working with the universal guidance.
  • Communication with Guides: Connect with guides and loved ones who have passed.
  • Navigating Awakening: Learn to move between dimensions, upgrading to new energies.
  • Heart Frequencies: Use heart frequencies for profound healing.

Tools and Techniques

We will incorporate:

  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)
  • Colour and Sound Frequencies
  • Guided Meditations
  • Heart-Focused Healing

Drawing from:

  • Shamanism
  • Matrix Reimprinting
  • Quantum Field Tapping
  • Inner Child Work
  • Family Constellations
  • Guided Visualization / meditations

All guided meditations are downloadable for continued practice. Enjoy lifetime access to bonus interviews and course content via our membership site.

Who Should Join?

This webinar series is open to anyone who feels the call. It’s an opportunity to explore what’s holding you back and connect more fully with your 5D self.

Embark on this transformative journey with us. Heal the past, empower the present, and embrace your future with the Light Matrix Technique Online Program. No prerequisites are required to attend this online workshop, but knowledge of EFT tapping would be an advantage.

One time payment of £449

Pay Now

Additional Information

Recording of the live webinars will be available within 12hrs of recording, if you are unable to attend live or would like to revisit the training at any time. However, to get the best from this training attending live is highly recommended.

Links to join the live Zoom webinar will be sent out with confirmation of payment. Please ensure you have registered your name and correct email for all the webinars in the box provided.

In addition to the lifetime access to the Membership site containing all the webinars there will be bonus materials and access to a price Facebook group for continued support.

Cancellation: 100% up to start date

What Others are saying

“I have just come off an amazing Light Matrix training with Sharon King and all I can say you need this in your life! We delved into the different techniques with real time demonstrations and results. As well as training to bring these techniques to my own clients, I received so much more in the way of knowledge and healing than I personally expected. From creating my own healing spaces, to chanting and breathwork, one on one healings and group healings. The light matrix healings are subtle and gentle and of course Sharon is expert! My experience has been that it wasn’t until a few days later that I noticed I had changed, I’m acting differently, and as if this is how I’ve always acted. I know it sounds cliché; this training has been one of those points of change in my lifetime. Did I mention huge value for money! I strongly recommend this training and this work”
~Barb Starke, Auckland, New Zealand

“Anyone who is sitting on the fence regarding doing The Light Matrix workshop? This is an amazing opportunity and one you will never regret. In fact it is wonderful to revisit as many times as you wish, as each time you will have grown expectutentually and will find yourself in another time and space.

Sharon is the most amazing teacher and facilitator, ahead of her time and way beyond most teachers on earth at this time. She is both well-educated and professional but this is coupled with the deepest level of kindness and empathy, all backed up by her many qualifications in so many different modalities.

For those who wish to find their own self-empowerment, direction and focus or to increase their own skill set for teaching. Then I cannot recommend Sharon King highly enough.

My deepest thanks to you Sharon for that you do and all that you are. Much love”
~Juules, UK

“When I first did Sharon’s course way back in March 2015, I had no idea how inspirational and transformative it was going to be. I spent most of that Light Matrix day going WOW! Prepare to have your minds and souls expanded.

I particularly remember when, up in the Light Matrix, Sharon invited us to ask our Guides three questions – whatever we liked. This was new to me! One question I asked was “Why is my dog Robert so naughty?” The answer was “He is as naughty as you never dare to be!” Well, that was a revelation about myself.

I have used the Light Matrix so very many times when helping clients. It is particularly useful when the trauma is very great, allowing you to rise above the story and the emotions that go with it. The Light Matrix is hugely helpful for yourself and those of your clients. Once you’ve learned this one, you are the proud owner of the Best Tool in the Box – a sonic screwdriver no less (for any Dr Who fans).

Sharon is an inspirational teacher, a veritable pioneer taking you far and beyond what you think your capabilities are. I met her first in 2015 and I now count her as one of my dearest friends. Thank you, Sharon for everything.”
~Renira Barclay, UK

“I first took Sharon’s Into the Light Matrix Course back in 2013 when it was part of Matrix Birth Reimprinting and retook it last year in 2020. It has evolved so much and is now a course in it’s own right. I have been using the process for my clients and myself for the last 8yrs and find it so beneficial, it is always my go to technique as encompasses so many ways to clear past trauma, patterns and beliefs from this life and past lives as they are so connected.

The absolute key ingredient is that you feel ‘safe’ straight away no matter what issue or trauma you are exploring because you are in a love filled safe space/dimension surrounded by your soul family, guides and angels so it takes you out of the 3D reality and are working with your higher self. Therefore, connecting with everyone you encounter or bring in from this life or past lives is on a higher level and perspective which allows you to understand and see the learning and purpose of your experience without judgement.

It allows you to very quickly access where you need to go back to without having to go into the ’story’ but gain the realisations of your experiences. The clearing and healing is instant and through all the processes and exercises that Sharon has created makes it so interesting and fun too. It is always an honour working with your past lives and gives you huge understanding of your present reality! Being able to identify if it is connected to a mental, physical, emotional or spiritual issue is enlightening.

Sharon is an amazing gifted teacher and has a wealth of knowledge and is a love filled soul and so generous with all her information that she will share on this course. I cannot recommend her and this course highly enough, it really is a life skill and gift you will always treasure for yourself and your clients.”
~Lisa Barry, UK


14 October at 8:00 am
22 November at 10:00 am
£399 – £449